Marie Erasmus

Property Practitioner - FFC Nr: 1153129
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About This Agent

The beautiful City of Roses is in my blood. I was born and bred in Bloemfontein, many moons ago. After school and college I have started a career in the financial sector where financing cars and later property for 33 yrs become part of my life. As the years were flying by the next natural step was the Real Estate sector. By completing my NQF4 qualification in 2015, writing the necessary exams required I can proudly doing business as a Professional Fractioned in Real Estate. With eleven years of experience in the market and be with Prime Property the last nearly 4 years, it stays a privilege to be of service to our clients with integrity, respect and going the extra mile. The excitement of a new buyer, the satisfaction of a seller is a privilege to make dreams come true. My core business is sectional title schemes, mainly townhouses and retirement villages; here you need all the knowledge to make an informed decision.

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